MoCA Center
Every Great Culinary Adventure Starts From Here
At MoCA Center, we:
Develop our unique, original menus
Under the lead of CIA profession-als, this is the laboratory kitchen where we work to infuse our dishes with signature originality, cultural heritage, high nutritional value, and of course, fabulous taste. The MoCA center tests and perfects every menu candidate before sign-ing off on the recipe for our resta-urants to prepare for customers.
Train our staff for the best service
MoCA staff are our representatives. Before we send them out to serve our valued customers, we make sure they understand the core values of the MoCA Group and can represent our company and rest-aurants with a full understanding of how to meet and exceed cus-tomer expectations. They are MoCA Center graduates, serving you not only with skill, but also with the MoCA core.
Prepare for the perfect catering
From a small intimate group to a lavish banquet, we can accomm-odate a luncheon or dinner event for up to 300 guests. MoCA center provides the central kitchen, logis-tics, and supply hub to ensure the catering plans that we create in detail are carried out impeccably.